In a country at war, where Serbs disappeared overnight, to be considered a traitor carried a considerable danger. But this attack meant only getting the taste of the real witch-hunt that was in store. Like in novels or movies where a mob points at one woman as a witch and then the Inquisition takes her case over, found singled out in the Croatian daily newspapers in the article about the International PEN Congress in Rio de Janeiro. The next attack (again in Globus) was an example of a fascist-like prosecution and had all the attributes of a call for lynching. Between 1992 and 1995, the author published abroad exclusively. This, ironically, was taken as another proof of anti-patriotic activity. Moreover, Globus continued to harass and repeat that the "witch scandal" brought to fame abroad, that profited from it and used it as a spring-board to launch as victims of the regime.