Information Agegeologic epoch brought about by new management teams when human consciousness became glaciated by televentures and interactive on-line services, and people no longer had to leave their homes for anything. Bundling branding run amok, which leads to a plastering of the company name on every form of infotainment that the company can acquire. Global Entertainment Company a vertically, horizontally, diagonally and conglomerately integrated firm whose mission is to ensure that no yurt, no pueblo and no kraal is too small or too remote to receive “Home Improvement” or “Baywatch.” Auctioning the Airwaves the plan to return the airwaves to “the people” while simultaneously reducing the federal deficit by inviting prearranged bids from global multitainment companies striving to clean up the cluttered landscape and thus avoid becoming disadvantaged. To be “Disadvantaged” Archaic: to be a poor person suffering from inadequate educational resources, health care and job opportunities.