Nature is reacting to the activities of modem society in unique and largely unexpected ways. A clear implication of rejecting modernist premises of natural passivity and society-nature autonomy is that physical and biological phenomena must be reconceived as outcomes, to some degree of political-economic, as well as ecological, processes. In the design of nature through science, technology and political economy, the fuller meaning of environmental and ecological injustice is also to be found. A prominent symbol of modern environmental pollution-—Love Canal, a residential development in New York State close to Niagara Falls-—offers a further lesson on our scientific and technological dependence. Technological requirements are paramount in the modem order. Human existence has been broken into endless acts of commodity production and consumption which in turn depend for their accomplishment upon networks of technology. The construct of environmental injustice operating in the globalized technological milieu socially and geographically maps the logic of the era.