In the wider sense the problem of induction is the question of how the words we use to describe the world are related to the world we experience. Basically, the wider question is not at all unlike the narrower problem. Innumerable views have been put forward about the relationship that exists between our individual experiences and the words and propositions we use to describe them. The next point is much more complicated. Once Wittgenstein and his partisans of various hues are convinced that there is no private language and that we learn a language by learning the rules, it becomes impossible for them to understand that Wittgenstein's theory is false. Wittgenstein always argued that a linguistic analysis should show the fly the way out of the bottle—that is, should resolve an intellectual cramp. Karl R. Popper, like Wittgenstein, does not believe that our knowledge is built up piecemeal and "inductively" from individual observations, experiments, and experiences.