Title VI of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) was meant to overcome countercyclical unemployment. Public service employment (PSE) jobs funded under title VI were open to the low-income unemployed and persons in families receiving public assistance when the national unemployment rate rose above 4 percent. To be eligible, a person had to be unemployed for at least ten out of the twelve weeks prior to the time of application and be a member of a family that had been receiving public assistance or whose family income was less than or equal to the Bureau of the Labor Statistics' lower living standard (LLS). Title VI has been eliminated. In fiscal year 1981 it was originally funded at $729 million in budget authority, leading to $1,011 million in outlays. Temporary employment assistance program was winding down before the reconciliation act was passed, as evidenced by the rescission of fiscal year 1981 budget authority.