This chapter deals with the sayings attributed to Aristo of Ceos in the Greek gnomological tradition. The only information about Aristo found in Diogenes Laertius comes from a few passing references to him, sometimes as a source. However, the Life of Aristo of Chios contains a catalogue of works some of which were claimed for the Peripatetic Aristo by Panaetius and Sosicrates. One of the titles tells us that Aristo (whichever Aristo it was) compiled eleven books of Chreiai or anecdotes. Accordingly, although these would not be sayings attributed to Aristo, still Aristo may figure as a collector of sayings and thus a source for the later tradition. The early confusion between the two similarly named philosophers has left a trail of confusion down to our own days and still keeps classical scholars gainfully employed. This also proves true as regards the sayings.