This chapter aims to add disciplinarity to those constructs in regard to systemic change through praxis and inquiry. It describes the forms of disciplinarity based on the discussions in Gianfranco Minati and Arne Collen and Collen. Disciplinarity may be conceptualized in terms of forms and phases of human activity to seek, develop, produce, and change knowledge. It presents four principal forms: singular, multiple, interrelational, and boundary-breaking pursuits. Disciplinarity involves our attributions of conceptual divisions upon our observation, experience, and discussion of phenomena. The scheme to follow is one way of looking at disciplined inquiry in our pursuit of systemic change through praxis and inquiry. The five forms to be discussed are: mono, multi, inter, trans, and meta. The last form of disciplinarity to be discussed is metadisciplinarity. Disciplinarity is a key construct in human inquiry devoted to systemic change.