In the social sciences and related disciples such as psychiatry, different concepts have been used to refer to the same, similar, or overlapping behaviors. Criminologists study crime or juvenile delinquency, which is usually defined as breaking the criminal law. For adults a similar concept to crime is antisocial personality disorder. The co-occurrence of many types of risky behavior with criminal behavior raises fundamental questions about the nature of the outcome variables that are being studied in the field of crime and delinquency, similarly to the issue of co-morbidity in the study of psychopathology. Passivity does not seem to fit with individuals whose main way to crime and accidents is risk-taking. The chapter focuses on the co-occurrence of delinquent behavior with health- endangering behaviors and problem behaviors with adverse economic consequences, such as truancy and dropping out from school. It describes on a literature review that investigated whether delinquent behavior is associated with health-endangering behaviors and problem behaviors.