Continue the complex conversation! As humankind, we are more aware than ever of the threats, challenges, and problems facing us all. Believing mostly in positive development we seem to ignore many of them from the everyday conversations in our ontologically and epistemologically separated communities, cultures, and nation states. In this chapter the authors argue that narrative understanding is essential for the complex existential relevance of being in the world. They believe that education is the forum to discuss these emerging narratives. Curricula, as the intellectual bases for education, are the main documents or tools to enhance discourses towards new kinds of thinking and understanding. Typically, curriculum design begins by asking what knowledge is the most worth knowing. Instead of what, we might ask what kind of knowledge. Complex is an excellent adjective for the current nature of scientific knowledge. Cosmological perspectives on curriculum are very seldom dealt with in curriculum literature. Typically, they are reduced to subject-specific questions in physics, philosophy, or religion.