Bill Doll's great contributions to the curriculum field can be generalized into two parts: the first is the deep criticism on the disenchantment of curriculum, which forms Doll's diagnosis of modern curriculum. The second is the fascinating construction on the reenchantment of curriculum, which forms Doll's vision of post-modern curriculum. Doll's diagnosis of the curriculum field echoes Max Weber's. Very similar to Weber, Doll also revealed the root of the disenchantment of curriculum in Protestant culture and ethic. The process of curriculum rationalization is the process to rationalize human minds, including the minds of curriculum specialists, teachers, and students. Mind rationalization is mind reification and alienation. Bill Doll embodies post-modernism in his work and life. As always, he is in a happy and passionate mind. Happiness with passion is the intrinsic value of education. Bill Doll is one of the most important curriculum theorists who can skillfully, deeply, and wisely handle the relationship between philosophy and curriculum.