Vocational education plays a very important role for the Chinese economy and employment; vocational school/college and enterprise/industry cooperation is necessary. This collaboration involves multi-stakeholder work where there are different kinds of model of the collaboration, such as the Modern Apprenticeship, Vocational Education Group etc. Learning from Germany’s dual-system model and applying it in Chinese context has been part of the process. Vocational education-industry integration is a kind of cross-border cooperation which needs skill, flexibility and balance in dealing with the different partners. China has already established the national system of cooperation between schools and enterprises and improved the industry’s participation in the vocational education system. The government is supporting vocational schools and colleges in deepening the integration of vocational education and industry. China is also establishing long-term measures to promote the integration of vocational education and industry, and improve the systems for the training of high quality technical workers. This is part of the process of establishing the tools to move forward with a policy which involves a transition from ‘made in China’ to ‘quality made in China’ and ‘excellent made in China’.