Throughout Christian history there has been what Schüssler Fiorenza calls 'the egalitarian countercultural trend' which has spoken about equality of women, and Letty Russell is among those who believes that feminist liberation theology does offer women a way to find a usable past, although she acknowledges the difficulty faced in dealing "creatively and faithfully with tradition". As Rosemary Radford Ruether said, feminist theology is the radical and as yet unexplored notion that women are fully human. In the West, Rosemary Ruether was amongst those who declared that Christ was best understood as a liberator, not in the spiritual sense but in real terms in the political and social realm. A very narrow world devoid of the glorious rainbow of incarnational diversity and divine potential that is our birthright: a very phallic thinking and a politically aggressive one attempting to project the pale face of vanilla womanhood on a global screen for the economic advantages that such a projection ensures.