In this chapter, we critically reflect on the dynamics that the authors of the various chapters have uncovered to explain the lack of gender diversity in sport governance in their country. Several authors point to the role of political regimes in creating a climate that challenges or reproduces the underrepresentation of women in sport governance. Others describe how the use of discourses emphasising biological essentialism and those that highlight meritocracy and choice keep many women from becoming board members. We also uncover how discourses translate into gendered discursive practices in several countries and reflect on the role of men and practices of masculinities on boards and how they challenge and reproduce the lack of gender diversity. The lack of attention that scholars and policy-makers have given to issues of sexuality and gendered governance is highlighted. We suggest that the use of theoretical concepts such as performativity, heteronormativity and assemblages could provide other insights for looking at the gendering of governance.