Women face discrimination in all aspects of the peace and security (P&S) movement, including formal P&S careers. When women try to build peace outside formal public careers, they also face discrimination. At the local level, women supporting or leading peace efforts often face "micro-aggressions." Women leaders within civil society also face local and national patriarchal norms that lead to discrimination, the defunding of their projects, harassment while publicly protesting, and assassination. Women influence long-term peacebuilding and reconstruction as educators in their communities, encouraging "structural and societal transformation that is built on principles of gender equality." Women deserve decision-making power over their lives. Because women may positively improve negotiations and development, including women in P&S adds value to all stakeholders. UNSCR 1325 was a major leap for the (Women, Peace, and Security) WPS agenda because it requires countries to fill decision-making roles with women.