La verdad subjetiva. Søren Kierkegaard como escritor is the second major work by Luis Guerrero Martínez, one of the most prominent Kierkegaard researchers in Mexico. As its full title states, La verdad subjetiva. Søren Kierkegaard como escritor is a work which develops a view about the issue of author and pseudonyms, taking into consideration subjective truth as the principal. Guerrero considers that socio-cultural disorientation, thoughtless individuals living in a closed society, and excessive academicism are factors that inspired Kierkegaard to develop ideas such as the single individual, indirect communication, or human existence as something unique and personal. Since irony is a key concept in Kierkegaard's thought, it is also studied in Plato's Meno, where it is employed by Socrates and viewed in contrast with Fear and Trembling. This analysis includes two aspects: reason's failure to overcome religion and the criticism of institutionalized religion. La verdad subjetiva attempts to present the best understanding of the issue of Kierkegaard's authorship.