Konsten att leva innerligt. Existentialism for den moderna manniskan is a joint effort by priest Ted Harris and journalist Ann Lagerstrom to strike out in search of the meaning of life with Soren Kierkegaard as their interlocutor and with their readers as fellow seekers. The book is by no means scholarly, and neither is it intended to be so. One problem with the book is Lagerstrom's often undisciplined treatment of Kierkegaard's writings, which, to draw on a phrase from Roger Poole, represents a textbook case of blunt reading. A second problem is that Lagerstrom's simplistic presentation of the Climacean truth is subjectivity thesis leaves the reader with the sense that Kierkegaard recommends something of a self-fixated relativism. A third problem concerns Lagerstrom's presentation of Kierkegaard's view of love that he develops in Works of Love. Although the highlighted interpretations are themselves highly problematic, even more problematic is what does not show up in the text.