Den enskilde. En studie av trons profana möjlighet i Sören Kierkegaards tidiga författarskap was published in 2009 by Thales Bokförlaget as the monograph form of Jonna Hjertström Lappalainen's doctoral dissertation from University of Stockholm. Lappalainen's central aim is to provide an interpretation of Kierkegaard's concept of the single individual. In Chapter 1, Lappalainen sketches a general account of den Enkelte that she fills out in greater detail in the subsequent chapters. For Chapters 2 and 3, Lappalainen turns her attention to the figures of Abraham and Job, respectively. In Chapters 4 and 5 Lappalainen focuses on The Concept of Anxiety and the figure of Adam with the aim of describing the relationship between freedom and den Enkelte. The final chapter Lappalainen engages with the characters Quidam and Paul in relation to the issue of suffering. Even with its novel and interesting analysis of what is a central Kierkegaardian concept, Lappalainen's book has received far less attention than it deserves.