The study by the Catholic priest and Thomist philosopher Cornelio Fabro, entitled Tra Kierkegaard e Marx: per una definizione dell'esistenza, was published first by Vallecchi Editions in 1952, in Florence. In general, Fabro's thought is known by philosophers in the tradition of Thomism or Italian neo-Thomism. In addition to his extensive and numerous exegetical articles and books on the notions of being and participation in Aquinas' work, Fabro dedicated himself to the study of the problem of freedom. Tra Kierkegaard e Marx is a collection of essays written immediately after World War II and aims to guide the reader through the two major trends that emerged in the mid-twentieth century, namely, Marxism and existentialism. For the author, Kierkegaard and Marx are two imposing figures who do not lose themselves in academic debates. These two authors do not lose themselves in generic studies but rather they have a revolutionary character because they focus on the real concerns of life.