The American Dream and its culture of competition contain, to use David Matza and Gresham Sykes's term, subterranean values that are favorable to those who are predisposed to employ self-deception to secure their advantage through white-collar illegalities. The history of white-collar crime and efforts to control it illustrate all of the general principles that have been identified regarding deception. Coleman extended neutralization theory by arguing that white-collar offenders latch on to neutralizations that derive from the culture of competition. Sykes and Matza theorized that juvenile delinquents use neutralizations to short-circuit the hold of traditional values so that they can engage in deviant or criminal behavior without suffering any psychic costs. The motivation to justify or excuse white-collar crime through the use of neutralizations may actually be deeply embedded in unconscious mechanisms of brain functioning that promote self-deception. The processes of self-deception apply in organizations.