The design of information campaigns and training needs a greater understanding of the attitudes and behaviours that it seeks to change. Cyber-security focuses mainly on technology, yet factoring the human into the cyber-security equation is of fundamental importance in developing and maintaining secure systems. In order to promote safer practices, it is important to identify the types of individuals most likely to use public Wi-Fi. According to a recent study, there is a "dearth of research on the psychological characteristics of those who engage in risky cyber-security practice". Studies into personality traits support this view that impulsivity consists of various facets and should be regarded as an amalgam of factors. Individuals differ greatly in their technical proficiencies when it comes to computers and the internet, and can be categorised as novice, average, and expert users. Within the context of privacy and security, it is important to assess whether an individual's awareness of risk predicts the intention to take preventative measures.