Harvesting of vegetables at appropriate stage of maturity is of paramount importance for attaining desirable quality as well as shelf life. The type of mulching material, its colour and site of application also affects maturity of vegetables. Deficiency or excess of moisture also influences the maturity of vegetables. It has been reported that extreme water stress promotes early maturity and reduces yield as well as quality of vegetables, whereas no water stress leads to increase in yield and delay maturity. Soil texture and structure influence the nutrient availability, heat budget and microbial population in the rhizosphere. Mineral nutrients such as Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Mg, Co, CI and B have non-visible effect, and therefore, it is difficult to trace its impact on vegetable maturity. Plant-growth regulators are very useful horticultural production tool, which also have effect on vegetable maturity. Eggplants should be harvested at immature stage when the skin becomes bright in colour and shines.