This chapter investigates the type of inter-organizational arrangements that the UN has established with regional organizations in Africa, Europe and the North-Atlantic region. It is argued that a hierarchy in multilateral arrangements between the global and the regional level is evident. The chapter comes to a close with a brief summary of its implications for the analysis of inter-organizational relations between the UN and regional organizations. Two subcategories of institutional partnerships can be distinguished as subcontracting and partnering. Contrary to subcontracting, partnering describes "a more horizontal relationship wherein the UN and regional peacekeeping bodies form a network of peacekeeping partners with interconnected capabilities". Both the African Union und Economic Community of West African States cooperate with the United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA) in Dakar. Established in January 2002, UNOWA is the UN's first regional conflict prevention and peacebuilding office. North Atlantic Treaty Organization has also only formally accepted the UN's predominant role in world politics.