One element of Trump's appeal, however, was evident mainly within his primary constituency which felt betrayed by a Republican leadership they thought had compromised and equivocated too often and therefore failed to repeal Obamacare, eliminate the deficit, reduce government spending, hold fast to the debt limit, or keep its other promises. Trump's failure to capture a plurality of the popular vote suggests he failed to live up to the potential created for him by situational factors over which neither he, nor Clinton, had any influence. Many voters, particularly Trump supporters, are at best wary of the changes that have swept over America in the last half century or so. That aversion to change was on vivid display and Trump scooped up those voters. Thirteen percent of Americans and nearly 20 percent of Trump voters disapproved of the order, also known as the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. Trump activated, and was supported by, a revolt of the dispossessed.