This chapter begins to explore the field, by identifying the textual properties and the discursive strategies that constitute feature and gonzo pornographies. It considers feature and gonzo as stylistic models. Drawing on some recent reflections on film style, the chapter describes a stylistic model as a 'coherent system of technical, grammatical, narrative, and communicative options' which are 'historically and socially situated, that is in close connection with the historical, technological, industrial, economic, and cultural context in which the texts are produced and consumed'. Gonzo is often promoted as 'for men only', and its paratexts stress its hyper-masculinised imagery and hyperbolic performativity. Feature pornography is mostly distributed and promoted as a romantic, funny and spicy form of sexual entertainment suitable for women and couples. The chapter concludes feature and gonzo can be considered as stylistic models that inform much of mainstream contemporary porn production.