The history of the Nien Society and Nien Army resistance against the Ch'ing can be periodized into two phases: the forty-five-year period from 1808 to 1853 was the phase of the Nien Society; the fifteen-year period from 1853-1868 was the phase of the Nien Army. Wanderers grouped together; some of them worshiped fu, while others worshiped nien. The Smooth Sword Society was active in Hsvichou and Yung-ch'eng, the exact place where the Nien Society originated. The features of arming every member with a sword, organizing societies, and robbing the rich to help the poor were also characteristics of the Nien Society during its initial stage of development. After the birth of the Nien Society, Nien members and White Lotus followers organized joint uprisings to resist the Ch'ing. The home of the Nien Army on the north bank of the Huai River was also the home base of the White Lotus uprising in the last years of the Yuan dynasty.