The global financial crisis and its fallout across the international economic landscape has had a profound impact in social and political terms, especially in the countries hardest hit by the recession. This traumatic event and its aftereffects have been addressed in documentaries made for cinema, television and online distribution, as part of a broader range of multimedia narratives. Capitalism: A Love Story; Inside Job; The Shock Doctrine; Let's Make Money and Debtocracy are among the most significant, that is, best known, works in this regard. Narratives concerning the social effects of the crisis in Spain are thematically linked to the cinema of precarity. This trend explores the development of new cultures and subjectivities within an economic system that marginalizes the individual to a position of social and political precarity. This chapter presents some results of the research project "Imaginaries of the crisis: Visual depictions of the economic, social and geopolitical collapse".