This chapter deals with the emerging authoritarianism in the United States through the scourge of anti-politics. It looks at a notion of politics that highlights both the pedagogical and political dimensions of authoritarianism. The chapter provides a critique of the rise of white supremacy headed by Donald Trump, and the growth of armed ignorance as a function of manufactured illiteracy and the ideologies and structures that enforce it. It focuses on the concept of domestic terrorism and the impact of authoritarianism on youth, especially Black youth, as the most vulnerable of populations to be assaulted by warfare state. The chapter examines the ways in which prison culture has seeped into public schools and how a police state has redefined young people within culture of criminality. It focuses on possible modes of struggle that connect a pedagogy of militant and courageous hope with politics that needs to become more pedagogical in its resistance to neoliberal tyranny and emerging forces of authoritarianism.