Effective marketing of dental radiography truly requires a team effort, including receptionists, technicians, and veterinarians. The critical first step in implementing dental radiography is to educate the entire staff on the importance of radiographs. Training is best achieved with hands-on instruction at either a training center or a national meeting such as the American Veterinary Dental Forum or European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry. In addition to properly training the technician staff to obtain dental radiographs, the entire staff need to be educated on the importance of dental radiographs. Clients already understand the importance of dental radiographs for themselves, as they are routinely performed by their dentist. Another way to effectively utilize dental radiographs is to simply make them mandatory with dental procedures. Finally, submitting radiographs for review by a board certified dentist can help to improve client acceptance of radiographs and the procedures that are being recommended based on these images.