Maxillofacial diagnostic imaging in trauma patients is never the first part of the management. Tooth fractures result from trauma such as biting on hard objects or being hit accidentally. The American Veterinary Dental College classification of tooth fractures. Only radiographic evaluation can differentiate luxation from tooth fracture. The presence of foreign bodies in the oral cavity, even if they are not traumatic in origin, have an influence on the therapy of traumatic injuries. Orofacial findings include epistaxis, abrasions, jaw fractures, symphyseal separation, hard palate fractures, tooth fracture, and temporomandibular joint luxation Iatrogenic trauma, unfortunately, is the main issue among possible complications during extractions. Traumatic injury is mentioned as the causative factor in multiple oral pathologies. Treatment options depend on the extent of the injury, any additional complications, the periodontal status of the injured tooth, the age and condition of the patient, the decision of the owner and, finally, the competence of the veterinarian.