The population of the Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) was about 3 million in 1990. Population densities in the Province are, with the exception of Jakarta the highest in the country. However, the population of the DIY grew more slowly in the 1980s than that of any other Indonesian Province. The two Districts of the DIY, Kulon Progo and especially Gunung Kidul, are also endowed with the least fertile agricultural land, and are those having the lowest growth rates. Such a relatively low population growth rate in the DIY is the result of: a relatively strong out-migration flow from the Province to other urban centres such as Jakarta, or to the outer islands, and; a relatively low birth rate at the national level. In the aggregate, migrations play a more important role than births and deaths in the population growth of the DIY while out-migration exceeds in-migration: there is a great deal of location fluidity in the population.