Nehamas claims that Nietzsche alternates between or confuses two versions of perspectivism. In the first version Nietzsche asserts that no one human understanding of the world can coherently claim to be an "ultimate" or "privileged" understanding. Nehamas also sees in Nietzsche a second version of perspectivism that he calls "transcendent."In the 1886 preface to Human-all-too-human Nietzsche argues that human beings can never experience the world as other than unjust and that it is a sign of health that one forgo any attempt to conceive of experience in the world as other than tragic. Nietzsche spends a good deal of time arguing that it is wrong to think of the world as "appearing". In the summer of 1888 he noted that "the apparent world" reduces itself to a specific manner of action on the world, emanating from a center.".