336The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of color plastic mulches on growth, yield, and quality of banana at MPKV, Rahuri, Maharashtra, India during 2014-15. Six color mulches used were yellow, blue, silver, white, red, and pervious plastic mulches. Six mulch treatments and seventh control treatment were given irrigation with 48% of pan evaporation. Eighth control treatment was given irrigation with 100% of crop evapotranspiration and ninth treatment with surface irrigation at 1 IW/ CPE ratio. The results indicated that the highest plant height, stem girth, and number of functional leaves were obtained under treatment T3 (silver black plastic mulch). The highest yield (84.45 t/ha) was obtained in T3 due to improved microclimate both above and below mulch. Significantly less quantity of water (1015 mm) required for plants in T3 due to reduced total duration of crop. The highest water use efficiency (81.83 kg/ha mm) was obtained in treatment T3 due to less water requirement and comparatively higher yield. The quality of banana was not significantly influenced by different color mulches. The highest NDVI value (0.8943) was observed in treatment T6 (pervious plastic mulch), followed by that (0.8918) in T3 at 300 DAT and minimum (0.8104) in T9. The research indicated that the adoption of silver black plastic mulch with daily drip irrigation at 48% pan evaporation resulted in 31.64% increase in yield over no mulch treatment.