In very general terms, an experiment is a clearly defined situation to conduct a defined procedure where the result might even surprise the experimenter. Unlike in scientific experiments in the laboratory, surprises outside the lab are normally not welcome. However, since the outcome of sociotechnical change in society is an unknown, we can attempt to consider such a process as an experiment. After all, innovation processes, by definition, move into unknown territory and thus harbor surprises. Technological innovation may not only produce benefits, but obviously also some not so desirable results via unintended consequences and rebound effects. Instead of waiting for proper knowledge or precautionary measures regarding risks and side effects, an experimenter working outside the laboratory thus needs to outline how to deal responsibly with unavoidable uncertainty and ignorance. In this chapter I discuss the concept of real-world experiments in order to outline the conditions for responsible experimentation. I do this by positioning the debate on the knowledge society as part of a discourse on our growing awareness of our nonknowledge. This builds on the empirical observation of an increasing gap between official rhetoric exhibiting certainty, safety, and truth (e.g., in the political realm or among concerned citizen groups) and real-world decision making that acknowledges ignorance and offers creative strategies for successfully coping with the inevitable nonknowledge and even surprise. This also opens the debate for a new way of understanding failure. I use recent developments in geothermal energy operations as a touchstone to help frame unexpected occurrences as a force driving sociotechnical change.