This chapter aims to highlight the diversity in European qualitative management research as a way of celebrating its ongoing development within Europe. The dominance of non-qualitative approaches within North American journals leads to particular problems for European-based qualitative researchers. It is important to recognize that whereas there are many commonalities in quantitative methods, there is considerable variety in qualitative management research. The pressure to publish in US-based journals is one that many business school academics internationally face, and the performative nature of management and organizational research places particular institutional pressures on qualitative researchers that have been considered elsewhere. Whole movements in qualitative research such as postmodernism and post-structuralism have been underpinned by the work of European philosophers such as Foucault, Derrida and Lacan. The chapter concludes by arguing that qualitative researchers should take every opportunity to encourage methodological diversity whilst resisting attempts at homogenizing the experience and reporting of qualitative management research.