This chapter explores Argentine-Spanish digital artist Belen Gache's conceptualization of aleatory politics in her online project Radikal karaoke by taking Christian Bok's analysis as its starting point — replacing "poet" in Bok's text with "politician" and "poem" with "speech." Gache's reference to fellow experimental media artist Gustavo Romano's IP Poetry Project requires some further grounding. The textual fragments, in general terms, are a combination of short phrases entered by users and information obtained from Internet searches, which are subsequently transmitted to the four "IP bots" who recite the larger, conglomerate text in an online interface or during a performance-installation. The interface employed in Radikal karaoke is rather uncomplicated, from the user's point of view, and offers a number of optional visual and auditory effects that respond to aesthetic and performative alterations. The "Help" instruction module — written in English, interestingly enough directs the user-operator to "Connect our microphone and when required, allows [sic] Flash to access it.