The technical innovations may be understood not only as modifications of the setting but also as countertransference responses when, faced with certain impasses, Sandor Ferenczi was in search of a theoretical and practical perspective that was different from that of Sigmund Freud. Three important moments in this evolution are distinguished today: the period of the active technique or the so-called period of activity (1918-1926); the period of technical elasticity, also known as the period of technical experiments (1926-1929)'. They are linked essentially to the theoretical interest that Ferenczi developed for the metapsychology of the traumatism. This second period was followed by a period of new technical experiments known as neo-catharsis and mutual analysis, which were also directly related to his recent conceptions of traumatism (1929-1933). The period of technical renewal inaugurated a significant and in the long term mutative moment in the history of the evolution of certain concepts in psychoanalysis.