Boza is a cereal beverage that is obtained from the fermentation of whole grain or flour. It is popular in Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and parts of Romania and Serbia. The Turkish name, Boza, comes from the Persian word, buze, meaning millet. Boza's origin dates back to the ancient populations that lived in Anatolia and Mesopotamia. The unique taste and odor of Boza, as its ability to positively influence the human health depend on the following factors that affect the quality of the final product: the usage of selected grain or flour sources, inoculation with preferably probiotic microbial starters, and adherence to the proper fermentation conditions. Boza is a viscous low-alcoholic drink with a pleasant sweet taste and slightly acid savour, varying in color from creamy-white and beige to light brownish. Boza is made of various kinds of cereals, but the variety with the best quality and taste is made of millet flour.