In dealing with the problem of untouchability, the author asserted his claim to being a Sanatani Hindu with greater emphasis than hitherto, and yet there are things which are commonly done in the name of Hinduism, which he disregard. The author has no desire to be called a Sanatani Hindu or any other, if he is not such. And he has certainly no desire to steal in a reform, or an abuse under cover of a great faith. The author calls himself a Sanatani Hindu, because, he believes in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas and all that goes by the name of Hindu scriptures, and therefore in avatars and rebirth, and believes in the Varnashrama dharma in a sense in my opinion strictly Vedic, but not in its present popular and crude sense. He also believes in the protection of the cow in its much larger sense than the popular, and does not disbelieve in idol worship.