This chapter suggests that there is a way forward if examine some suggestions made by Rush Rhees in his paper, 'Wittgenstein on Language and Ritual'. It discusses the logical issues concerning 'belief' in 'On Really Believing' in Ludwig Wittgenstein and Religion. Wittgenstein says that his aim is to bring words back from their metaphysical use to their ordinary use. Since superstition is a form of confusion, Wittgenstein clearly wants to do something about it too. Wittgenstein, it may be said, does not leave everything where it is because he does not leave confusion where it is. He had a passion for clarity within and outside philosophy. When Wittgenstein wrestles with the distinction between a magical and a logical view of signs, he calls his method 'descriptive'. Wittgenstein is interested in the parallel between 'freeing ourselves from superstitions' and 'freeing ourselves from conceptual confusion'.