Reimagining Social Movements: From Collectives to Individuals raises critical questions about how movements are constituted, and the contesting role of subjectivity within a vast array of contemporary collective action processes unfolding on both local and global levels. This collection examines the shifting landscapes of movements, posing the following questions: what constitutes the internal dynamics within protest action(s) today that reach beyond the summation of their own collective representations; how can collective movements be analyzed in a globalizing world characterized by accelerating rates of fragmentation and the dislodging of traditional forms of asymmetrical and vertical power; how are collectives being reconstituted in a world where identities are more and more replaced by subjectively experienced-both digitally and otherwise-forms of meaning-making around personalized strategies and techniques of dissent; what sorts of challenges do these present to now traditional forms of collective action and their cultural, national, and gendered regimes of interpretation; in sum, how can we theorize the novis individuis within the labyrinthine interiors of movements of the early twenty-first century?