And then the LorJ d d takeaway our tiomack*; w edid tatb ilt little for three or (our Weeks;andthen the Lord callcd iis to ftfling for cUvcn diye* together, but it was fo little, thattbc Ftyar* came ftnd.fud, ihat it wa* impojfibfe that CrcAttfrts could liv e vritfr f > little meat, as they did fee wc did for io long time togcibcr; and atked what irj tvon/J, d*< \ d f»id Uiur Lord lnq% (iio? d j^ c m g h t h*ve<t ‘ j th rig 0 c wo *lii> We laid, Wc mu't wait to know the mind of God, wlm hew»>uld haven* todo* We diJ not taft in one ownWilU bur in obrdirnte to chc Lord*. They, were much trou­ bled, and fcnt us meat,and a\d.hc En^lijh C /nful Jen: it. We could n<»t take anv thing till the Lord's t»mc was come. W* were weak, fotbat IV Jr did-d-rfs her head afhew ould lye in her Grave, (poor L»mb j I hv looking for the Lo; d to puc an end ‘totheGtd trial which *nv it leenud c> o I in his liijhc.Then J hea d a voice, favm j9c .Ijalluot Ji>c. j be i ved tie Lord f and fits gliify d<d appear much in oucMaU* he *d* very i r^aciou* tO* Us f and did tffcfrifhuswith hu prclcnte (O tinualy , and wed d bchritd his btraurv onurp/eat oy andr m tort, and hi waslar^c tods i^hnpro'n Ics, () mat we vcrckip; (juierand lhllt (thc hihgof

• DiMth bt*in : taken away) our fouls > heart* and mind* wcrtfit peace with the Lo^d, fo ’har rhey could not tell whcibtr we wcr c de*dor alive buc ^s they d d . all to us once a day , till thermic thcLotd had. appointed wc Humid cat j and ey were (nidc to *
