Chriji, in the mtafnre of Love and Life of our God. do wefalnteytH all, and d* embrace you in that which jsf Eternal, *nd we do grtatly r f jo in andglorifie the Name of our Heavenly Father, that he hath com* tdmworthy »* be partakers of thedeqth And fufferings of his bteffli . Son, with youj though we be the leaft ejf Gods Flacky, yet we are >f th t true Fold) whereof Chrift Jefiu is Shepherd-, arid he hath had m tender a cart over its, a* he-hat h had of any of his Lambs which he hath calUl firth in this the day of his Power, and hath carrjed ms through, W .over as great ajfliftionsat mofl of our Brethren and fujftrers for his

Jfam^hth\u mockings,fcoffings, f:ornings^reproaches,firiptsy conlYn* fraions, perils at Land\ and perils at Sea, fiery trjals > cruel threat • ‘ m*gs)grief of hearty forrow of foul^ heats and cold^faflings and Wat* thingsy f tats wit bin y and frightings without 9 terrible temptations xand' perfections^ and dreadful imprisonments and buffeting! of Satan, ^ 'jet inaHthefe our try ah the Lord was very grad ms unto u+ % and no?\'ab« fent hintfelf from utt neither fuffered hu faithfulnefS tofrtii hs\ but did bear tu up j ***d kf-pIU from fainting %n the m dfl o f our extremity,: we had not another, to make ovr moan to, btit the Lord alone % neither ciuld m cxpefi a drop of mercy, fa v'jur or refre\lnment% btit what he d d d jtil from his living f re fence, and work^by his ownjlrength\ for we f a t one in one room* and the other i7t awther, near a as Owls in Deferts, and *4 people forfaben in fo Iit dry place ^ then dd we enjoy the prefence of the Lord, <tr,d did behold the brightnef of hti Glory, and we did fee you our dear Ft iends% tnthe L'ght of jeftHy and did be\nldyour order, ani fled faft vefs of your Faith and Love to all Saints %a>td were refrc(bei \n all the faithful hearted, and felt the iff ties of Love and Life which dd fir e^m from the hearts of thofe that if ere wholly joined to the Fostnt*:n% and were made fenfibleof the benefit of your praerst

enr judgement remains with the Lord^and fo do our Labours-, for it was not for want of travelf Korpain ^ nor love to their fouls ^fot we could have been contented to have fed upon the Grafs on the ground 0 fo we might have had our freedom amon^fi them i For had rt not been for the great oppofetiony they would have followed after tu as :Chicke)is After a Hen, both great and f n u ll ; But oh the f welling feas t the raging and .foaminglVaves, Stormy Winds a*d Floods ^ and deepWaters, and high Mountains a^d Hills, hard Rockjy rough wajest and crooked-paths, tall Cedars, flrong Oak^s, f mitlef s Treesy and corrupted ones * that cumber the ground , and hinder the right cow Seed to be foWn ^ and t he noble 'PUnts from being pi anted : Oh! they (hut up the Kingdom againft tbe fitople*heartedy and hide the kfy of knowledge from the innocent onesf And will rwt enter into the Kingdom thtntfelvtj , nor fuffer them that