OH Lord my life is given up,iTo call the hungry forth to fid thy truth for to declarc*,' on thy Lamb being fliin, . Lord keep me in thy Arms, FeafU of fat things thou do(l pre-

and guide m< in thy fear. I the hungry for to feed , ( pare Thy Bow is b en t, thy Sword is And cloath the nak’d with Gar-

thy enemies to deface, (drawn mcnts fair, • tThy fire's kindl’d’gainll all thofe that want and (land in need,

that Truth wil not embrace. .Heaven’s glory is appearing, ,Thine Arrows (harp and keen, itsbrighcnefsftiineth forth, . upon their beads (hall fall, Over all Nations it is clearing,. - Jh y double-edged Sword alfo,' the Lotds Eternal Truth,

to cut them down withall. Every one that’s in darkneft, So plague theHeathen,8c corrctt and under its fhadow lye,

the peoplwn thy wraih,(Namc May come forth into the bright* [That they may fear 8t dread thy out of obfeurity. fntfr,. '•! and come to know thy truth, Qh Lord teach me thy wayei,-

that I may walk therein, And lead me in thy Path.of lig ­

and cleanfe me from alt fin,

.Throughout the World fo wide, thy truth thou dod declare, .