G W all ye righteous ones.wbofe dwelling* are on high,inthefulnefs of beauty, holinefsand glory , whofe Naraeaad Famereasheth to the ends of the B arth, to the aftonilh* m e n to f the Heathen, and the anwwment of the ungodly, to th? preparation of all Nations to appear beforetbe dreadful prj. fenceof our Lord (Jod fWrnigiity to b e ftrip to f all falfecover* ings, and co be left without excufe; Gh'ry and praifes be to oor God for ever Amen^ w’l'.hisdt nude m eye witnrffcs of his nigh, ty Work, flnd helper .o tah 'rr with v on, .according to ourmea. fu re s , .oihe cliai:iini; dc.vn of the k'owers of darknef*, andto1. thedcfacing of cine pained Harlot, Afy(hr!e Ba'ylon, with all her Lover*, to the utter ovcrthiy»v of An i.britt, with all hi* wicked! Kingdom^ dtise*.