and purfuing the King upon London-Road. But God preferved his Majefty by divertA ing him to Broadwindfor, whilft Maffey and his hot-mettled company outran their Prey as far as Dorchefter. And indeed, the report of the Kings being at Charmouth^was grown fo common, that the Soldiers (lying in thofe parts) fearch’d the houfes of feveral Gentlemen, who were accounted Royalilts, thinking to furprize him. Amongft which, Filefdon (the houfe of Sir Hugh Wyndham Uncle to Colonel Francis Wyndham) was twice rifled. They took the old Baronet, his Lady, Daughters, and whole Family, and fet a Guard upon them in the Hall, whilft they examine every corner, not fparing either Trunk or Box. Then taking a particular view of their Prifoners, they feize a lovely young Lady, faying, (he was the King difguifed in womens apparel. At length being convinced of their grofs and rudemiftake, they defifted from offering any farther violence to that Family. And here it is much to be obferved, that the fame day the King went from CharmonthjCaptain Elefden came to Filefdon, and enquired of