oufnefs by Faith, of being in Chrift, of the love of God , and Fcllowftiip with him* of which jfbe gives an exa£t and diftin& account > difccvering the choice and. fpiritual UEderftanding fhe.had in the Miftery ©f the Gpfpel * not taking up only from fin todutyvWhen Chrift and grace little underflocd, as it may be feared ny dojnor yet turning grace into wantonnefs , but uncler the conftraints ©f the choice difcoverycs of Free • and glorious Grace,andthe lovcsofGod (in the ad­ mit emerit and-adoration of which (he lived) to attend to m oft intimate Consmunien with him, the breathings and partings of her Soul, as you-will lee ftill runningo»t a fre rm o re in/oymentiof arid likenefs to her d e a r L ord Jei'us, and cxadteftW/w/Y, bemoamDg h ; r felf wherein (he fell fhort.