‘ 1 In this Cafe oiir chnrshts did ftiutoally and univerfally acknowledge and fubmit to tliis aSaciednrtd undoubted Principle and fupreiiVo Law to be ■ obferved ntriong a ll' Chut'ches. That to by vertue of that' Aj>oJldU*ll Cdw piAbdj Church^ as well as particular ihen ai‘a bound CO give no offence, neither to^fU or GmiUi nor ths Churches o f God thdy liva amongft; ,fo that in all trafeS of fuch offences or difference, by. the obligation of ldtp of Ctthmanisii of Churchts^ and for thevin-4 diatton of the glory of cfaijl^ which in com-* IttOn thfcy hold forth, the Ghurch or Churches challenged to offend or differ ait to,fubtflit thcrrifelvtey .upon the challenge of-the Offence or complaint of the perfon wronged#' (6'thi. woft fall aftd open trial! and exdminiitiort - by other rtfcighbour churches offtti'd^d-thereat,'bf what fcver hathgiveft the offence. And-fofthei