Aleaume de Fontaines had married Laurette de Saint-Valery, who had a great reputation for charity and 'barbata facie seipsa exhibuit virum'. The couple had several children, who further enriched the collegiale at Longpre. There was no mention of Laurette's medical skills, nor was there a reference to the medieval source for the detail of the entry: the works cited were of the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries. Louandre did not say that Laurette accompanied her husband on crusade, but observed in a footnote that she had 'toutes les vertus des chevaliers et la charite de son sexe'. He noted that she had learnt medicine to assist the poor. It would have been possible, therefore, for Laurette to have gone on crusade with her husband and her father. The document starts in 1190, and the first lectio contains the descriptions of Aleaume and Laurette.