It appears from Marx's letter addressed to Sorge that the "Enquête Ouvrière" published in the Revue Socialiste , was the work of Marx himself. Marx's "Enquete Ouvriere" differs in three respects from investigations of social conditions. Marx intended that his "Enquete Ouvriere" should diffuse among the general public a knowledge of the working and living conditions of the workers, and he had, therefore, some ulterior motives in undertaking his study. In his preface to the questionnaire Marx describes the "Enquete Ouvriere" as a basis for "preparing a reconstruction of society." The didactic purpose of the "Enquete Ouvriere" arises, from the arrangement and formulation of the questions; but it is apparent also in the preface, and especially in the title that Marx gives to the monographs which it is proposed to write on the basis of the replies to the questionnaire; he calls them "cahiers du travail" In contrast to the "cahiers de doleances".