Now,to apply this to my prefent · purpofe . Whereas my proled: in thefe enfuing leaues is,to awakentheharts and minds of diuers Cath'oliks for the preuenting, or at leaR lea-ening the paynes '0 Purgatory by their good duds and workes of Charity) performed in their lyfe tyme; therefore I haue in the Front of ,hisTreatife thought good to plant a Difcourfe toUfJN"dr"lItt.. A l ching


ocher eircumftanccs accom· f.&niD.K ·thcfamo ~ormcnts ; ;.hat CO, . (ueh per(on., for

1V"~C fake this labour is y n· clors~kon, (as not . being

~indfouldcd vnder tbe 'Yelle of c.oleffe negligence)may flauea greater~tArt at Hor-. f~w.:. 'of the (aId torments, And confcquently) may be

ore watchfull and folllel· ,toOl for their prcuenting 0

dlom~ by their Almcs·dccds, .nel· other {ueh workes Cha,ity.